Working with essential oils in the sauna

Is a need to know introduction to aromatherapy

The perfect course for you who wants to start working with essential oils in the sauna in a professional way.
After finishing this course you can  use essential oils correctly, you can create  natural sauna experiences and  provide the necessary information on the used essential oils and their influence on the organism.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Lesson 1: Working with essential oils in the sauna

    2. QUIZ: Can you work with essential oils in a sauna


    2. Aromatherapeutic aufguss for physical health support

    3. essential_oils_overview_a4_english

    4. essential_oils_a2_en_v2

    5. Correct use of essential oils poster

    1. Programe for the day

About this course

  • 3.800,00 kr.
  • 10 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


Bonus material

You also get the following extra content.

  • Aromen App

    The need to know knowledge app about herbs and essentials oils for you to tailor your herbal hydro-thermal experiences and sweat rituals.

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